Sunday, August 2, 2009

Vertex form to standard form?

vertex form: y=a(x-h)^2+k

standard form: y=ax^2+bx+c

what do you do to vertex form to find b and c?

i really need to know

also i do'nt know what completing the square is

Vertex form to standard form?
completing the square is finding "c" in the standard form. Whhen they ask you to complete the square, they w ill just give you: y=ax^2 + bx. then you have to find "c". You do that by dividing "bx" by 2 then squaring it. For example you have" x^2 +10x=? so you take 10/2=5, then 5^2= 25. So you have completed the square. now you have: x^2 +10x + 25.


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