Sunday, August 2, 2009

Help with standard form?

i know that standard form in linear equations is ;Ax+By=C

what does "A" stand for?

what does "X" stand for?

what does "B" stand for?

what does "y" stand for?

what does "C" stand for?

plz give answers that will help me understand this formula.

Help with standard form?
A, B, and C, are all co-efficients...

x and y are both variables...


If say you had







If you notice.. The x and y are both lowercase.. and variables are always lowercase.
Reply:A=First number

X=First Variable

B=Second Number

Y=Second Variable

C= the result of the equation
Reply:Okay first x and y are horizontal and vertical outcomes respectively for A it is the lead coefficient for x, B=lead coefficient for y and C= the constant in the formula, the constant when solved for y=mx+b this is in slope intercept form where m= rise/run and b= the y intercpt on the verical axis of a graph. Hope this helps you out.
Reply:In the Standard form A, B, and C are constants. X and Y are variables.

For example the equation 4x -2y = 8 we can subtract 8 from each side and the equation becomes

4x -2y - 8 = 0

for this equation A= 4, B = 2. and C =8

while x and y are the variables.


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