Monday, May 24, 2010

Grading curves: C to C+ centered mean?

I know that in many of my classes, the curve is based on a C to C+ centered mean. It says the A/B cutoff is the mean plus on standard deviation, and the D/F cutoff is the mean minus on std. dev. What I'm wondering is, what exactly do they mean by "C to C+ centered mean?" Is the mean a C/C+ cutoff? If you get a score close to but higer than the mean, is that around a C+ or B-? I understand how this works for scores that are not close to the actual mean, but it seems more confusing when they are. Thanks.

Grading curves: C to C+ centered mean?
It means that the average score on the test was between a C to C+. Therefore, a C+ would be curved closer to an A+.

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