Tuesday, July 28, 2009

C++ Source Code Help.?

Ok, I am making a 3D game, and I don't want the source code and stuff accessed, read, or tampered with. I'm using Visual C++ 9.0 Express Edition. I was going to use a .dll but I've been told that would be a bad Idea. Someone suggested to make a standard c/c++ library and I was wondering how I would go about that.

C++ Source Code Help.?
ONce you compile C++ code to machine executable, you don't have to worry about someone reading your source code. It's very difficult to recover anything remotely like the original source.

This is the same with just about every compiler out there. It's also the same whether you use a DLL, or an object library. Other VM type languages, such as Java and C# have more trouble with this. There are code obfuscators for those languages.

Artwork is what is easiest to copy, as it is not compiled as program source is.

Tampering (i.e. cracking license codes, altering multiplayer behavior, etc.) is a completely different issue. This is very difficult to stop completely. You will have to do a large amount of research to deal with this effectively.
Reply:Well i do not know much about this topic but im currently studying it. but what i think you could do is write your own functions and store it in a library. In other words instead of working of the default library and calling functions from there.
Reply:I'm looking for the same thing.

I've found this, but it is for VS 6.0.



Might be a good place to start.


Ok, just found the "How to create a static library for Visual Studio 2008".



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