Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My son is @6th standard in cbsc, I want to give him good IT course, can i start now? from ms office to C ,C++?

IS this the right age to start his computer carrier( May be software or hardware depends) . He is willing to learn photeshop . Please advise me what course will be useful for this future, I want to build up parallaly with his school curriculam. Let me know any other good option this regards. Thanks, Subhashini

My son is @6th standard in cbsc, I want to give him good IT course, can i start now? from ms office to C ,C++?
languages like c and cpp are very basic and can be mastered at any stage of time. At present it will probably be more difficult to grasp and after say 5 years, the same thing will take a day.

Whts more important is devolopment of various other faculties, creativity and all.

My friends who virtually knew nothing about programming picked it up at later stages and are nowadays working with top software firms.

However, each person is unique , if he feels inclined towards it, he should definitely go for it.

hope it helps.


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